Performance Enhancement Group

Dedicated to the Maximization
of Brain Mind & Body

"We've Got It Pegged"

What We Do

Much of our work is of a research nature only, as we seek to investigate new methods of addressing Brain, Mind & Body (Spirital work we leave to the Human Insights Group). As research proceeds we will make our findings available by way ot written papers and spoken word lectures. Such research has resulted in the creation of procedures such as:

  • Memory Recall Improvement (M-R-I) - a process designed to help overall with memory improvement. Combined with specialized brain-mapping, the efficacy of this process can be greatly improved.

  • Black and White Pain Management Therapy - a unique set of visualization techniques designed to assist people towards becoming pain-free without the use of drugs or medications. We intend to fully demonstrate the efficacy of this procedure by way of Brain-mapping and E-e-g monitoring.

  • Light Sound Therapy - a specially tailored program to assist people in strenghting/balancing their brainwave patterns. Combinations of Light-Sound thrapy in conjunction with tailored nurofeedback can lead to improvements in BOTH modalities.

  • NeuroFeedback - a form of BioFeedback, using your brain. Neurofeedback can assist in the overcoming of many life-difficulties by "teaching" you how to Focus and/or Relax your brain. We are currently researching heretofore unheard of approaches in this science.


For more information Contact: Ron Fitch

Telephone Ron at: (818) 216-5376

E-mail Ron at: RonFitch@HumanInsightsGroup.Org