Performance Enhancement Group

Dedicated to the Maximization
of Brain Mind & Body

"We've Got It Pegged"

Online Hold-em Tournament Poker

  A collaboration between

Playing poker (whether it be online or at a live tournament in a casino hotel is a skill that requires the individual to maintain a balance of brain, mind and body.

As part of a product evaluation for the Neurkshy EM Headset, Ron Fitch has been investigating the use of on-the-spot Neurofeedback during online Texas Hold-em tournament play. This page shows a number of screens from actual play, showing you what cards were on the table along with an indication of Ron's ability to pay attention and/or relax at that moment in time.

In a couple of examples, Ron shows us that it is possible to be extremely focused AND relaxed at the same. It should come as no surprise that this is the exact state we want our brain to be in during sustained physical exercise. E-Mail us for further details.


Getting Started:


Watching the play:


Pondering a Pair of 8's:


Here is how it turned out:


Watching others play:


Pondering a Set of Jacks:


This is how it turned out:


The lady in sunglasses threatens me with All-In


Watching others play:


I am somewhat Bored:


I've been forced all-in, seeking to be calm:


For More Examples, See Page: 2



For more information about Neurological-Enhancement
 Contact: Ron Fitch

Telephone Ron at: (818) 216-5376

E-mail Ron at: